Tuesday 22 February 2011

planet X

Recently there has been much chatter online about the infamous planet X/nibiru/Tyche.
I find it odd that the thing that has been marked in ancient writings, and vocalized through folklore are starting to make it's way to the main stream media.
Shouldn't history books have all this information in it?
even if its all speculation, there should be written history of the findings made from ancient ruins.
Perhaps this is why its so widely written all over the world, perhaps the ancients knew our history books would be full of lies and the only way to get their message through to us would be from carvings in walls

Whatever is true, I know for a fact the ancients were much smarted than we give them credit for, perhaps even smarter than us.

I'm assuming March is going to be a huge month; middle east, oil prices, silver prices, ect.

Will planet X entering the far reaches of our solar system even make the news?
Or, will it be full of dancing with the stars nonsense?
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Human cloning may be a weird topic, but what about animal cloning?
Would you find it strange that most of the meat we eat comes from cloned animals?
would this make you want to eat it less, or more?
Personally I think its bizarre that we're so complacent with eating cloned meat. Hell, most people don't care to know what they put into their body's anyways.

Very odd for sure.

Could you love a cloned woman?
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Friday 18 February 2011

first comes first

I made this blog to share ideas and information.
I'm finding these times we're living I'm VERY interesting!
With the economy, society, conspiracies turning out to be true, the hiding of knowledge, the acceptance of inappropriate behavior and thoughts, and everything.
It feels like we're headed Down a dark tunnel with a light at the end, one question; is that light a train, or our world.
We've been experiencing many odd things on our planet, from birds dropping dead in the sky to the highest EQ year.
something's gotta give.
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